Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas
( Mon to Sat - 9:30-17:30 )
Hyderabad-500030, Telangana.
Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas




Contact Us
  • Airavat Overseas,
    Punjala Complex, 4th floor,
    Budvel, Rajendranagar,
    Telangana, India.
  • +91 9281045559


Effortless Management of Your International Expenses

Planning your finances before heading abroad can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to make it simple. At IDP, we understand the importance of a smooth financial transition when studying overseas.

To ensure you can manage your expenses securely and conveniently, we’ve partnered with experienced and trusted Forex Card providers. Our Forex Cards are designed to offer secure, widely accepted, and hassle-free solutions for all your international transactions.

Why Choose Our Forex Card Solutions?

  • Convenience: Seamlessly handle your expenses abroad.
  • Security: Safe and reliable payment methods.
  • Wide Acceptance: Accepted at numerous merchants and ATMs worldwide.

Get started today!


Effortless Management of Your International Expenses

Planning your finances before heading abroad can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to make it simple. At IDP, we understand the importance of a smooth financial transition when studying overseas.

To ensure you can manage your expenses securely and conveniently, we’ve partnered with experienced and trusted Forex Card providers. Our Forex Cards are designed to offer secure, widely accepted, and hassle-free solutions for all your international transactions.

Why Choose Our Forex Card Solutions?

  • Convenience: Seamlessly handle your expenses abroad.
  • Security: Safe and reliable payment methods.
  • Wide Acceptance: Accepted at numerous merchants and ATMs worldwide.

Get started today!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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