Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas
( Mon to Sat - 9:30-17:30 )
Hyderabad-500030, Telangana.
Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas

Our Services

Our Services

Explore our services

Work Visa

Unlock your dream career with a work visa! Gain access to global opportunities and grow professionally while exploring new cultures.

Student Application

Unlock your potential and take the first step toward a brighter future! Complete this application to explore exciting opportunities tailored just for you.


Get the best rates for your currency exchange needs. Trusted service with quick processing. Start your journey with confidence.

Education Loan

Turn your dreams into reality with hassle-free education loans! Achieve your academic goals with flexible repayment options and low interest rates.

Super Counselling

Personalized guidance, expert advice, and tailored solutions to help you achieve your dreams. Your success, our mission!

Visitor Visa

Planning a short trip abroad for leisure, family visits, or business? We make the visitor visa process simple and stress-free.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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