Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas
( Mon to Sat - 9:30-17:30 )
Hyderabad-500030, Telangana.
Airavat OverseasAiravat OverseasAiravat Overseas

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Airavat Overseas
Airavat Overseas

About Us

Airavat Overseas Education Consultants has been offering students high-quality educational. Respected by both students and parents, Merit has been a pioneer in giving students who want to study abroad the most recent information. Our years of working with students from various ethnic backgrounds are impressive. Our staff members are committed experts with extensive training.Airavat serves as a mentor for all students who want to pursue their dreams of studying abroad in nations such as the United States of America (USA), Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, United Kingdom (UK), Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, France, and other nations that provide high-quality education in addition to distinctive learning environments.

Airavat Overseas Education Consultants has been offering students high-quality educational. Respected by both students and parents, Merit has been a pioneer in giving students who want to study abroad the most recent information. Our years of working with students from various ethnic backgrounds are impressive. Our staff members are committed experts with extensive training.Airavat serves as a mentor for all students who want to pursue their dreams of studying abroad in nations such as the United States of America (USA), Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, United Kingdom (UK), Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, France, and other nations that provide high-quality education in addition to distinctive learning environments.

Our Values

At Airavat Overseas, our values are deeply rooted in creating meaningful and impactful journeys for students.
Centric Approach Student-Every decision we make begins and ends with the student's career aspirations in mind.
Excellence in Guidance We are dedicated to providing accurate, personalized, and comprehensive advice for every unique profile.
Integrity and Trust Transparency and honesty form the core of our relationships with students and their families. Empowerment: Enabling students to make confident, informed decisions about their future.
Commitment to Growth Continuously innovating to provide services that adapt to the ever-changing global education landscape.
Our Aim & Mission

At Airavat Overseas, we are driven by a single mission: to provide students with a career-first approach to their education journey. We strive to
Set Clear Goals Begin with a deep understanding of the student's aspirations to define achievable career objectives.
Find Perfectly Aligned Programs Match students with programs that complement their goals, skills, and interests.
Choose the Ideal Destination Identify the best-fit country and university, tailored to the student’s profile, budget, and academic background. Our aim is not just to help students get admitted to universities abroad but to ensure they are set on a path toward long-term career success.

Our Process

Expert Counselling
University Application
Visa Process
Pre-Departure Support
Expert Counselling
University Application
Visa Process
Pre-Departure Support

Expert Counselling

Country & Course Selection

University Selection & Application Processing

Admission Guidance

Scholarship Guidance

Education Loan Guidance

Visa Process

Pre-departure Guidance

Accommodation Guidance

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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